September 2019

China’s Grand Strategy First Lecture

2019-10-31T23:04:29+08:00September 18th, 2019|Lectures, Media, News, Students|

The “China’s Grand Strategy” course is composed of a series of lectures (given by experts and researchers from various institutions in China) and visits (to relevant institutions and sights). Each semester, we invite speakers with different expertise to give independent lectures that cover a broad variety of topics. In the past, topics included lectures by [...]

March 2019

China’s Grand Strategy Lecture IV

2019-04-06T23:29:19+08:00March 22nd, 2019|Lectures, News, Students|

Professor Zhao Yimin, of the School of Public Administration and Policy of Renmin University, was the fourth guest lecturer of the semester. How to explain China's great urban transformation? What impacts does it have on the economy, society, and the environment? Prof. Zhao shed some light on China's urbanization policies from Mao's era, through Deng [...]

China’s Grand Strategy Lecture III

2019-04-06T23:13:22+08:00March 15th, 2019|Lectures, News, Students|

It was a challenging topic the one introduced by Prof. Dennis Schilling of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University during the third "China's Grand Strategy" lecture. Prof. Schilling guided our students into a journey through Chinese philosophical thoughts: what is the political significance of life? The lecturer offered a possible answer with an inquiry [...]

China’s Grand Strategy Lecture II

2019-04-06T22:57:10+08:00March 8th, 2019|Lectures, News, Students|

It was an immense pleasure to welcome the second lecturer of the semester, Andy Mok. Mr. Mok is a well-known face in the media industry in China were, among his many positions, works as a commentator for CGTN This was the second time Mr. Mok joined the "China's Grand Strategy" lectures: back in November 2017, [...]

China’s Grand Strategy Lecture I

2019-04-06T22:39:32+08:00March 1st, 2019|Lectures, News, Students|

The “China’s Grand Strategy” course by Prof. Cui Shoujun is composed of a series of lectures (given by experts and researchers from various institutions in China) and visits (to relevant institutions and sights). Each semester, we invite speakers with different expertise to give independent lectures that cover a broad variety of topics. In the past, [...]

December 2018

November 2018

China’s Grand Strategy Lecture III

2018-11-28T16:47:43+08:00November 21st, 2018|Lectures, News, Students|

Professor Cui Shoujun was the keynote speaker for the third lecture of the 'China’s Grand Strategy'course. Professor Cui moved through topics such as China's "thirst" for oil and its overall energy policies, China's energy governance and the important role played by national oil companies. The last part of the lecture was focused on China's "going [...]

Visit to Goldwind Headquarters

2018-11-28T16:08:31+08:00November 20th, 2018|News, Students, Visits|

During the third visit of the 'China’s Grand Strategy' course, our students visited Goldwind Headquarters. Goldwind is a world-leading wind turbine technology and energy solutions provider.  It is one of China’s most innovative companies, it operates on 6 continents and it was recently ranked 3rd for onshore and offshore turbine manufacturing in the world by Bloomberg New [...]

October 2018

China’s Grand Strategy Lecture II

2018-11-06T22:04:38+08:00October 26th, 2018|Lectures, News, Students|

For the second session of our 2018  China’s Grand Strategy lecture series, we had the honor of Professor Ian Taylor's visit (from University of St Andrews) who spoke about ‘China-Africa Relations and the Debt Criticism’. Professor Ian Taylor gave a comprehensive analysis of China-Africa ties and debunked many of the misconceptions about the huge anti-China [...]

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