Summer time is graduation time, and it is often also the time for our graduates to enjoy the last few weeks of Beijing summer before leaving China to embark on new adventures like exciting jobs in their home countries or continued studies elsewhere in the world.

Of our 2017 graduates, two were able to participate in the formal graduation ceremony: Lotte (from the Netherlands), who focused her thesis on elderly care in China, and Nick (from Greenland), who focused his graduation thesis on mining investments between China and Greenland.

In the company of a hand full of fellow CCSP students, Lotte and Nick received their master degree certificates, and were further joined by CCSP program coordinator Ms Zhu Fengyu, who also completed heir studies at Renmin University and was awarded her PhD degree in International Studies.

Here a few snapshots of this festive and beautifully sunny graduation day:

We congratulate Lotte, Nick, and their fellow graduates for their great achievement!